Di seguito i corsi Jean Monnet attivati nel primo semestre dell’a.a. 2018/19, co-finanziati dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ e aperti a tutti gli studenti, docenti dell’Ateneo e ai soggetti interessati.
I corsi Jean Monnet promuovono l’eccellenza nell’insegnamento e nella ricerca nel settore degli studi sull’Unione Europea in tutto il mondo, oltre al dialogo tra il mondo accademico e i decisori politici, in particolare allo scopo di rafforzare la governance delle politiche dell’UE.
I seguenti nuovi corsi sono appartenenti alla Cattedra Jean Monnet “SmallArea methods for Multidimensional Poverty and living conditions Indicators inEU – SAMPIEU”, co-finanziati alla Prof.ssa Monica Pratesi nell’anno 2018:
“European Indicators of poverty and vulnerabilities for Sustainable Development Goal and Seminars” (9 CFU – I Semestre). Su questo corso è mutuato:
– “European Statistical System and Data Production Model” (6 ECTS – I Semester starting on September 24th, 2018), parte del curriculum “OS” curriculum della Laurea Magistrale in Economics (Sito web: mse.ec.unipi.it)
“Small Area Methods for the analysis of multidimensional poverty data and Seminars” (9 ECTS – II Semester). On this course has been borrowed: the course:
– “Analysis of Survey Data and Small Area Estimation” (6 ECTS – II Semester), parte del curriculum “OS” curriculum della Laurea Magistrale in Economics (Sito web: mse.ec.unipi.it)
Sono inoltre ancora attivi i moduli Jean Monnet co-finanziati nell’anno 2017:
- “The Economics of European Regions: Theory, Empirics, and Policy” (EERTEP) – 9 CFU – Docente responsabile: Prof. Davide Fiaschi (Sito web: eer.ec.unipi.it)
- “Labour Economics in an European Perspective” (LEEP) – 6 CFU – Docente responsabile: Prof. Lorenzo Corsini – (Sito web: labourecoeu.ec.unipi.it)
Consulta il seguente link per vedere l’orario delle lezioni http://mse.ec.unipi.it/courses/
Dear student,
we inform you that Jean Monnet courses are active from the first semester of the academic year 2018/19, they are co-funded by the European Union in the framework of Erasmus+ program and opened to all students, teachers and anyone else interested.
These courses promote active European citizenship and deal with the role of the EU in a globalized world, enhancing awareness of the Union and facilitating future engagement and people-to-people dialogue worldwide.
The following courses belong to the Jean Monnet Chair “SmallArea methods for Multidimensional Poverty and living conditions Indicators inEU – SAMPIEU”, co-founded to Prof. Monica Pratesi in 2018:
“European Indicators of poverty and vulnerabilities for Sustainable Development Goal and Seminars” (9 CFU – I Semestre). Su questo corso è mutuato:
– “European Statistical System and Data Production Model” (6 ECTS – I Semester starting on September 24th, 2018), which is part of the “OS” curriculum of the Master of Science in Economics http://mse.ec.unipi.it/
“Small Area Methods for the analysis of multidimensional poverty data and Seminars” (9 ECTS – II Semester). On this course has been borrowed: the course:
– “Analysis of Survey Data and Small Area Estimation” (6 ECTS – II Semester), which is part of the “OS” curriculum of the Master of Science in Economics http://mse.ec.unipi.it/
The two Jean Monnet courses, co-founded in 2017 are still active:
- The Economics of European Regions: Theory, Empirics, and Policy” (9 ECTS), coordinator: Prof. Davide Fiaschi – Website: eer.ec.unipi.it
- Labour Economics in an European Perspective” (6 ECTS), coordinator Prof. Lorenzo Corsini – Website: labourecoeu.ec.unipi.it
Please check the timetable of the courses here: http://mse.ec.unipi.it/courses/