Andrea Fontanella (University of Pisa): The warranty-based healthcare system: an innovative approach in public health for the “new normal scenario”

Date: Tuesday, 24 September 2024, at 12:15 pm

Location: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM

Speaker and Title:

Andrea Fontanella (University of Pisa)
The warranty-based healthcare system: an innovative approach in public health for the “new normal scenario


Health protection is a goal that every State pursues. The WHO defines health as “a state of physical, spiritual, mental, and social well-being and not the mere absence of disease”. Public healthcare systems are mainly financed through taxation, and they often overspend. For this reason, these systems are being reformed to increase efficiency while maintaining high effectiveness. Private healthcare systems make patients cover their health expenditures, which may be challenging. The warranty-based healthcare system is suggested as a new, innovative model that is activated as a public healthcare system but investigates individual responsibility for the disease, so patients may be asked to share part of the expense. This paper aims to show that this model is suited to the post-COVID-19 pandemic “new normal scenario” and can achieve greater economic sustainability than the Italian SSN and the Beveridge healthcare models. This work aims to contribute to previous literature by introducing new perspectives in an increasingly topical public health debate.

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