Navigating work

To guide and support students and graduates in the transition from their course of studies to the world of work, the Job Placement and Internships service at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa organises:


  • career guidance meetings. These meetings are aimed at familiarising students and graduates with useful job search tools and career opportunities for their studies and making them aware of how selection processes work.
  • meetings with companies to bridge the gap between job supply and demand.



a.y. 2023/2024

06/12 | Tirocinio in azienda. Come attivarlo con successo

23/11 | Job Meeting Pisa: 29 novembre 

23/11 | Tirocini internazionali con Amazon: Incontro di presentazione dell’offerta

a.y. 2022/2023

20 e 22/06 | Career Days 2023 – Settore ITC

17/05 | Job Placement e Career Service: i servizi offerti dal Dipartimento di Economia e Management

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