Academic Tutoring

Teaching support activities for exam preparation

The Department has appointed appropriate members of staff to carry out teaching support activities. Students can receive clarification, explanation, advice and active support for studying.

The Department has given assignments to appropriate staff to carry out activities’ in support of teaching. The students have the possibility to receive help, explanation and advice for the study.


Any changes to the timetable will be posted on the e-learning page of the relevant lecturers:
Any disruptions or clarification requests can be reported/sent to


AY 2023- 2024

General Mathematics Courses A,B,C,D,E – confirmation of the time and/or classroom can be found on the university planner

General Mathematics Tutoring
– Tuesday 26 September, 15:45-17:15, aula C
– Tuesday 3 October, 15:45-17:15, aula C
– Tuesday 10 October, 15:45-17:15, aula C
– Tuesday 17 October, 15:45-17:15, aula C
– Wednesday 18 October, 15:45-17:15, aula B
– Tuesday 24 October, 15:45-17:15, aula C
– Wednesday 25 October, 15:45-17:15, aula B

OFA (Additional Learning Requirement) Mathematics Tutoring
– Wednesday 27 September, 15:45-17:15, aula B
– Thursday 28 September, 10:30-12, aula O1
– Wednesday 4 October, 15:45-17:15, aula B
– Thursday 5 October, 10:30-12, aula 3
– Wednesday 11 October, 15:45-17:15, aula B
– Thursday 12 October, 10:30-12, aula 3
– Thursday 19 October, 10:30-12, aula 3
– Thursday 26 October, 10:30-12, aula 3


AY 2022- 2023

Finance of extraordinary transactions tutoring – 2nd Semester
Every Thursday from 10:30 to 12:00 starting from Thursday 30 March until June on the following Teams channels: Click HERE

OFA (Additional Learning Requirement) Tutoring – 1st Semester
OFA tutoring is dedicated to those who have to take the OFA-MATHEMATICS exam and who showed insufficient proficiency in the prerequisite subjects.

The meetings will take place from 20 September to 29 October and from 7 November to 10 December

  • Tuesday at 15:45        Aula C (except for 27 September which will be in Aula A)
  • Wednesday at 15:45    Aula C

The first 8 meetings will be dedicated to a general overview of the entire OFA exam programme and the prerequisite material. Participation is strongly recommended to those who showed insufficiency in the topics covered.

Below are the details of the topics:

  • Tuesday 20/09/2022 – First and Second Degree Equations and Inequalities
  • Wednesday 21/09/2022 – Polynomials: factoring a polynomial – Remarkable Polynomials. Ruffini’s Rule
  • Tuesday 27/09/2022 – Rational inequalities. Systems of inequalities.
  • Wednesday 28/09/2022 – Logarithmic equations and inequalities.
  • Tuesday 04/10/2022 – Exponential Equations and Inequalities
  • Wednesday 05/10/2022 – Introduction to the Cartesian plane. Straight line in the Cartesian plane. Representation of first degree inequalities in the Cartesian plane.
  • Tuesday 11/10/2022 – Representation of regions in the plane defined by constraints. Parabola – Circumference – Equilateral hyperbola.
  • Wednesday 12/10/2022  – Basic logic and summary exercises.

Tutoring and teaching assistance on OFAs and prerequisite materials also has a TEAMS channel:
TEAMS Tutoring and teaching support – 032PP General Mathematics:    –  TEAMSCode: qv271kk
Link to the OFA Mathematics and prerequisite materials channel:


General Mathematics Tutoring – month of April/May 2023

26 April 15:45-17:15. Tutor: Giovanni Franceschini. Aula O1

2 May 17:30-19:00 Tutor Filippo Salmaso Aula O1

9 May 17:30-19:00 Tutor: Giovanni Franceschini. Aula O1

16 May 17:30-19:00 Tutor Filippo Salmaso Aula O1

23 May 17:30-19:00 Tutor: Giovanni Franceschini. Aula F1

30 May 17:30-19:00 Tutor Filippo Salmaso Aula O1

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