Teaching and Internationalisation Unit

The Teaching and Internationalisation Unit’s staff can be reached via email (didatticaeconomia@ec.unipi.it), Microsoft Teams platform or by phone, from 9:00 – 12:30


Michela Vivaldi | tel: 050 2216371 or 347 5444403 – email: michela.vivaldi@unipi.it
Teaching and Internationalisation Unit Coordinator

Michela Palla | tel: 050 2216269 – email: michela.palla@unipi.it
for general information on teaching activities and extraordinary exams sessions

Federica Rognini | tel: 050 2216412 – email: federica.rognini@unipi.it
for information on Internships, Exams and Master’s Thesis

Susanna Barontini | tel: 050 2216349 – email: susanna.barontini@unipi.it
for information on Bachelor’s Thesis, Timetable and State Exams

Giulia Riscossa | tel: 050 2216167 – email: giulia.riscossa@unipi.it
for information on Tutoring

Domenica Noia | tel: 050 2216295 – email: domenica.noia@unipi.it
for information on Teaching Contracts

For the Orientation Desk activities, booking through the portal remains valid, as stated on the dedicated page.

Orientation Desk
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