State Exam to be certified to practice the profession of Chartered Accountant, Accounting Expert and Statutory Auditor

The state exam for ‘Chartered Accountant’ and for ‘Accounting Expert’ is held twice a year (usually in June and November); the commission is the same for both sessions.

Detailed information on how to register, the dates and times of the tests, the registration fees, the qualifications and the exam programme can be found directly on the Università di Pisa website ( by clicking on the following links: “Studenti”, “Iscrizioni e segreterie”, “Lauree e Esame di Stato”, “Abilitazioni professionali e bandi”, “Dottore Commercialista e Esperto Contabile” or by clicking on this link: Professional Qualifications: Chartered Accountant and Accounting Expert.

Further information:

State Exams 2023

State Exams 2022

State Exams 2021

State Exams 2020

State Exams 2019

State Exams 2018

State Exams 2017


Past papers: Chartered Accountant

Past papers: Accounting Expert

Past papers: Statutory Auditor

Composed of the Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili (the Professional Order of Accountants) of Pisa, La Spezia, Massa-Carrara, Lucca and Livorno, the ‘Alto Tirreno’ Association holds training courses for students of the profession. The course includes business and legal subjects as preparation for taking the exam to become a certified Chartered Accountant and Accounting Expert. For more information go to the website


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