Programmes and Courses

The Department of Economics and Management at the University of Pisa offers a comprehensive selection of programmes, able to tap into and satisfy your most immediate training needs, such as undergraduate programmes, as well as your future needs, throughout your journey of professional growth still to come, with regard to your personal and career goals.

Alongside our bachelor’s degrees, we offer further specialisation opportunities with Master Level I courses, on marketing, food and management, control and administration and budget.

In close continuity with the bachelor’s programmes, we offer master’s programmes in both Italian and English, Master Level II Courses up to the highest form of university education, with the doctoral programmes (PhD).

Whichever level of education you reach, you’re guaranteed a successful start to your professional life.

Click on the drop-down headers to expand.

Undergraduate Programmes (Italian and English)
Master’s Degree Programmes (Italian and English)
Master Level I and II (Italian and English)

Master Level I

Taken after the bachelor’s degree (FULL TIME to enter into the world of work, PART TIME for post-experience professional growth)

Master Level II

Taken after the master’s degree (FULL TIME to enter into the world of work, PART TIME for post-experience professional growth)

Jean Monnet

Promoted by the European Union as part of the Erasmus+ programme, the aim of the Jean Monnet Actions is to foster teaching and research excellence in the field of European Union studies, in particular, on the integration process in both its internal and external aspects.

Amongst their specific objectives, the Jean Monnet Actions aim to

  • encourage and diversify the themes linked to the European Union in the curricula that higher education institutions offer to their students
  • improve the quality of vocational training on such themes through modules dedicated to them or by expanding them to new subjects
  • foster the commitment of young academics in teaching and research in this field
  • promote dialogue between the academic world and policymakers in order to improve the governance of EU policies

The Jean Monnet Actions support different types of activities, in particular: Modules and Chairs.

The Department of Economics and Management has initiated the following Actions:

Jean Monnet Module


Jean Monnet Chairs

Why choose a degree in Economics?

To understand and explore the principles and dynamics of the workings of economic systems, institutions and businesses.
To study topics of great interest and relevance that are linked to economics, business economics, mathematical statistics and law.
To have an educational life experience in a dynamic and international environment and continuous interaction with the world of work.
To seize the excellent opportunities offered by the national and international labour markets.

The services available to you

The Department of Economics and Management has always prioritised the students and their needs which, over time, has allowed us to conceive, design, provide and continuously develop several services which complement and enrich the core of our activity. Continue reading […]

Contact us

For any need you might have, information or further clarification please feel free to contact us through the channels provided.

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