Services available to students

The Department of Economics and Management has always prioritised the students and their needs which, over time, has allowed us to conceive, design, provide and continuously develop several services which complement and enrich the core of our activity.

Our objective is undoubtedly to offer quality teaching, but also to ensure that our students can have an all-round quality educational experience.

This is the context for a wide range of services that we make available to our students, including, to name but a few:

academic tutoring, to support our students when preparing for exams, helping them to overcome possible and normal difficulties that they face in the transition from secondary school to university. Studying at university is left to the individual student’s capacity for self-organisation, his or her responsibility, his or her ability to ‘set themselves rules’ and to face the small obstacles that may arise with commitment and determination. Tutoring, as well as the Onboarding Orientation Desk, are the main services that we provide to all our students in all study programmes to help them, especially during their first year, which is objectively the most difficult.

in-course guidance, to offer support in choices concerning possible alternative pathways in a degree programme as well as in choices surrounding the subsequent continuation of their studies in master’s degrees.

Erasmus study abroad programmes: there are 114 agreements in our department’s network, including international agreements with Japan, China and Russia. On average, we have around 140 incoming and 150 outgoing students each year – this abundance of students from other countries fosters culturally-mixed classrooms, the development of inclusion/integration skills and opportunities to compare different cultural approaches.

internship opportunities: we have built a network of over 700 business partners, of different sizes and belonging to different sectors, and it is this network which we rely on to give our students the opportunity to gain work experience in companies that are both educational and interesting, and which is also linked to the preparation of empirical bachelor theses.

A wide range of opportunities is certainly a privilege for young people to have: we work hard to give these opportunities to our students and those who get involved have the chance to gain important, quality and professional experience.


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