LAB and Research Centres

Camilo Dagum: on Advanced Statistics for Equitable and Sustainable Development (CCD)

The Interuniversity Camilo Dagum Centre was founded in 2015 on the initiative of the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Pisa, the Department of Economics and Statistics at the University of Siena and the Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Applications at the University of Florence. Currently, Dagum Centre’s administrative headquarters is the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Pisa.
The Dagum Centre’s goals include promoting multidisciplinary cooperation in the field of research and application of advanced statistical methods for the study of equitable and sustainable development; acquiring international, national, regional and local research contracts which allow scientific advancements in multi- and interdisciplinary and interuniversity experimentation to be tested; the organisation of national and international scientific events.

For more information go to the website:

Contamination Lab (CLAB)

In collaboration with the Scuola Normale Superiore, the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies and the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, the project aims to foster knowledge of different academic fields amongst students relating to their degree programme and the entrepreneurial and managerial reality outside the academic world; to promote collaboration between students and faculty for multidisciplinary joint projects and to spread business culture and entrepreneurialism amongst the young people participating in the project.

Directors: Giovanna Mariani, Leonardo Bertini

For more information go to the website:

Economic Growth & Development (CICSE)

The Interuniversity Economic Growth & Development Centre (CICSE) was born from the collaboration of seven Italian universities (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Catania, Naples Federico II, Padova, Pisa, Marche Polytechnic and Siena), with administrative headquarters in Pisa, with the aim of promoting and coordinating research on economic growth; proposing and implementing competitive research projects at both a national and international level. It has helped organise international conventions and series of lessons held by internationally-recognised scholars.

For more information go to the website:

Economic Growth & Development (CIRHTA)

First established in 2009, the centre has recently been re-established after approval from the new Statute of the University of Pisa. The Centre is based in the Department of Economics and Management and is responsible for evaluating the impact and the possible consequences of the introduction of new technology and significant changes in old technology on the healthcare sector. The lines of research developed by researchers at CIRTHA will cover the clinical elements, evaluation of the economic and financial impacts, and the social and health implications of policies related to technology management. The CIRTHA includes lecturers and researchers from the University of Pisa and from other Italian and foreign universities, as well as Italian and foreign scholars, researchers and external experts.

Directors: Simone Lazzini

For more information go to the website:

Leonardo IRTA

The ‘Leonardo’ Institute of Territorial and Environmental Research (IRTA), based at the Department of History at the University of Pisa, is made up of different departments and local bodies, including the Province of Pisa, the Province of Livorno, the Faculty of Agriculture, the university’s Departments of History and Human and Environmental Sciences, the Department of Economics and Management and the Agri-Environmental Interdepartmental Research Centre ‘E. Avanzi’.

For more information go to the website:

LES - Laboratory of Experimental Economics

The experimental laboratory enables the individual economic behaviour of people in a controlled environment of choice to be studied.

This type of approach offers a complementary research methodology to that based on field surveys because it allows the precise study of the influence of those factors that, although influencing the responses of subjects, are not easily controlled outside a laboratory.

As well as basic research, at LES applied research can be conducted in collaboration with businesses and institutions and the data gathered through traditional methods can be integrated.

Director: Caterina Giannetti

For more information go to the website:

Motors, Vehicles and Technology (MOVET)

Founded in 2013, the Centre was promoted by the University of Pisa (the Department of Economics and Management, the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction and the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering), the University of Florence (the Department of Industrial Engineering), the G. Marconi University in Rome (the Department for Technology and Innovation Processes) and by several companies including the main automotive component multinationals operating in Tuscany such as Continental (USA), Yanmar (JP), Pierburg (DE), Magna (CDN) and Schaeffler (DE). The Centre aims to promote the development of the scientific, technical, organisational and managerial skills in Tuscany committed to the advancement, the innovation and the competitiveness of the vehicle and motor industry and related technologies.

Director: Riccardo Lanzara

For more information go to the website:

Nautical Research (CIRN)

The CIRN is a research centre between the universities of Pisa, Sassari (administrative headquarters) and Genoa which promotes and coordinates interdisciplinary research on themes linked to the economy, governance, engineering, design, management and quantitative and qualitative assessment of nautical activities, the supply chain, yacht building and the Blue Economy; for this purpose it participates in projects and other activities financed by the European Union, develops contacts with businesses in the tourism and nautical sector and organises workshops and conferences. The Department joined the CIRN in 2011, electing its own representative on the Management Committee.

Director: Iacopo Cavallini

Responsible Management Research Center (REMARC)

REMARC is part of the Department of Economics and Management (DEM) of the University of Pisa. Its primary goal is to conduct cutting-edge research on responsible management and sustainable development and to have an impact on managers, policymakers and other stakeholders. People at the centre work on three main focus areas – i.e. International Business and Human Rights; Communicating and Practising Corporate Social Responsibility and Societal Transition for a Sustainable Economy – and on a set of smaller related projects. Our team includes DEM faculty members and external collaborators from different disciplines including Economics, Management, Statistics, Political Science, International Law, Development Studies and Business Ethics. Through our research we work towards strengthening responsible management practices and finding ways to reduce business-related harmful impacts on society, the environment and human rights at large.

Director: Elisa Giuliani

For more information go to the website:

Corradino D’Ascanio Vehicle Technology and Engineering Research and Services (UCAR)

In 2014 the Centre was born from the collaboration between the University of Florence (the Department of Industrial Engineering) and the University of Pisa (the Department of Economics and Management, the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering and the Department of Information Engineering). The Centre aims to promote and facilitate the multidisciplinary cooperation in the field of technological evolution in the automotive sector, in its various articulations. In particular the Centre promotes applied research and advanced training (Master Level II in Automotive Engineering and Management) on themes which require multidisciplinary contributions, also with the involvement of industrial players, and on the basis of international, national or regional funding.

Director: Riccardo Lanzara

For more information go to the website:

The Working Group on Generalised Convexity (WGGC)

The Working Group on Generalised Convexity (WGGC) was founded during the 15th conference on Mathematical Programming at Ann Arbor (Michigan, U.S.A.) in August 1994. It is an interdisciplinary group of scholars from different disciplines such as operations research, economics, engineering, applied sciences, mathematics and statistics. The group’s research topics of interest are related to the study of the so-called generalised convexity properties and their applications in the economic-financial and business sectors. The research group has 455 active members across 52 different countries.

Directors: Riccardo Cambini, Laura Carosi

For more information go to the website:

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