Date: Thursday, 5 October 2023, at 2:00 pm Venue: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM Speaker: Caterina Rho (JRC ISPRA) Title: “Loan pricing…
Categoria evento: DEM seminars
Giulia Rossello (University of Pisa): “The Effect of Government Cuts of Doctoral Scholarships on Science”
Date: Thursday, 28 September 2023, at 2:00 pm Venue: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM Speaker: Giulia Rossello (University of Pisa) Title: “The…
Michele Bee (Federal University of Minas Gerais e University of Lausanne): “Adam Smith e il piacere dello scambio”
Date: Wednesday, 27 September 2023, at 16:30 pm Venue: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM Speaker: Michele Bee (Federal University of Minas Gerais…
Gabriel Burdin (University of Leeds & IZA): “Property Rights, Sick Pay and Effort Supply”
Date: Thursday, 21 September 2023, at 12:00 pm Venue: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM Speaker: Gabriel Burdin (University of Leeds & IZA)…
Gopal Krishnan (Bentley University of Boston): “Do Knowledge-Firms Pay More Audit Fees Than Physical-Firms?”
Date: Monday, 18 September 2023, at 3:30 pm Venue: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM Speaker: Gopal Krishnan (Bentley University of…
Chiara Calastri (University of Leeds): “Women’s labour market participation and its link with attitudes towards gender roles in the family”
Date: Thursday, 14 September 2023, at 12:00 pm Venue: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM Speaker: Chiara Calastri (University of Leeds) Title: “Women’s…
Gabriele Beccari (Scuola Normale Superiore): “Getting your data on the web: a short introduction on web-scraping”
Date: Wednesday, 13 September 2023, at 9:30 am Venue: Laboratorio Embeds (Via Cardinale Pietro Maffi, 27) Speaker: Gabriele Beccari (Scuola…
Antonio Peyrache (School of Economics, University of Queensland, Australia): “The Inefficiency of Courts of Justice: Industry Structure, Capacity, and Misallocation”
Date: Thursday, 6 July 2023, at 12:15 pm Venue: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM Speaker: Antonio Peyrache (School of Economics, University…
Giulio Greco (University of Pisa): “Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Earnings Smoothing: Evidence from Commodity Firms”
Date: Wednesday, 28 June 2023, at 11:30 am Location: Seminar Room Bruguier Pacini, DEM Speaker: Giulio Greco (University of Pisa) Title:…
Mario Perugini (University of Catania): “Cartels as a crisis management institution? The Italian experience (1900-1960)”
Date: Friday, 23 June 2023, at 15:00 pm Location: Aula Magna, DEM Speaker: Mario Perugini (University of Catania) Title: “Cartels as…