Call for applications EPOG-DN MSC Doctoral Network (2024–2028)

EPOG-DN is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network (2024–2028) that offers 11 PhD positions scheduled to commence in September/October 2024. PhD positions are 36-month positions.

Applications submitted prior to March 1, 2024, will receive primary consideration and undergo review throughout the month of March. Nonetheless, we may consider applications received after this date until all positions are filled.

Application platform:


Human activities jeopardise the habitability of the planet and our capacity to formulate comprehensive and democratic solutions for its restoration.

The MSCA-funded EPOG-DN (Economic Policies for the Global bifurcation  Doctoral Network) project aims to establish a community of economists capable of collaborating with various disciplines, sectors and stakeholders to address ecological challenges. It gathers 7 full partners (beneficiaries) and 13 associated partners from different fields and sectors.

This project explores the pathways toward achieving strong sustainability, where social, economic and environmental objectives are not substitutable with each other. The project introduces the concept of global bifurcation, which encompasses a range of multidimensional and systemic processes. The project proposes a distinctive strategy for tackling the complexity of global bifurcation, which involves a socio-technical, socio-economic and socio-ecological perspective, all working in concert to develop a systemic approach.

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