
The Department of Economics and Management offers the following orientation services and activities to students from different secondary schools to help them choose their university studies.

Orientation Desk

You can contact the staff at the Orientation Desk to request information on enrolment, means of access (bachelor’s degrees) and admission (master’s degrees), course features and other questions regarding the organisation of the courses. The Orientation Desk is open at the following times:


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Open Days

The Open Days are aimed at secondary school students and anyone who is interested primarily in the range of undergraduate courses on offer. The days take place in Aula A at the Department, which also has disabled access. With the aim of helping participants make a better informed choice of university course, students who participate in the Open Days take part in a short lesson and, upon request, a guided tour of the department.

Participants also have the opportunity to interact with the students from the Orientation Desk, to compare and exchange experiences, and with several lecturers, to gather useful information to guide their choices and to try their hand at the entrance test.


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Educational Pathways for Soft Skills and Orientation – PCTO (formerly Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro)

The Department of Economics and Management makes itself available to host secondary school students in its facilities for PCTO-related activities.

The alternanza scuola-lavoro (school-work education programme), which was renamed Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento (Educational Pathways for Soft Skills and Orientation) by Law 145 of 30 December 2018, aims to ensure that young people between the ages of 15 and 18, in addition to basic knowledge, acquire skills, which can be used in the labour market, guaranteeing ‘on-the-job’ experience.

For detailed information, see the dedicated page on the university website.


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Programme Introductory Meetings

At the start of each academic year, the Department of Economics and Management organises a welcome week to facilitate the integration of new students into the university environment. It is an occasion to introduce the Department and the study programmes, which is done according to a meetings schedule generally published in the first days of September each year.

For detailed information on the study paths and career opportunities of each course, see our Programmes and Courses.


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