Third Mission

The Third Mission for the Department of Economics and Management

Objective: create value for the area and the community

The Third Mission activities carried out by the Department are in line with the University’s objectives related to the support and incentives for technology transfer, the strengthening of intermediary and public engagement structures, enhancing cultural heritage, the protection of health and lifelong learning.

The Department of Economics and Management strives to create value for the local area and the community, thanks to its close relationship with the institutions and economic actors with businesses, foundations and public and private organisations.

The goal of external collaborations is to ‘give back’ to the region the knowledge and skills developed thanks to the value of university intellectual capital, which can generate technology transfer, innovation development aimed at resolving social, economic and environmental issues with a view to sustainability, enhancing cultural heritage, protection of health and lifelong learning.

The Third Mission in numbers

public engagement projects and initiatives in 2022

10 international projects
18 national projects

active spin-off

Deeply Agrifood Srl







employment rate at a year after graduation (AlmaLaurea data)

employment rate at five years after graduation (AlmaLaurea data)

Third Mission Activity

The Third Mission gives back to the region and the organisations within it, whether public or private, the scientific knowledge and wisdom accumulated by research activities; the skills transferred through teaching activities therefore represent the authoritative point of convergence of the two central missions of the Department of Economics and Management.

Furthermore, the research activities, agreements and conventions enable job placement and public engagement activities to be enhanced.

Technology Transfer

The Department of Economics and Management is constantly committed to finding study and research solutions which are able to significantly impact the local area.

Numerous collaborations with public and private organisations are in place in order to apply innovative solutions which have an impact on the industrial and economic dynamics.

In 2022 the first spin-off devoted to the agri-food sector, Deeply Agriffod srl, was established, and other study and research activities are expected to become real businesses in the future.

Strategic collaborations - collaborations with universities/businesses/research organisations

The Department of Economics and Management participates in national training, research and Third Mission initiatives thanks to its links with other universities and research centres.

In the long term, it participates in collaboration agreements of specific interest on the themes of research and development, technological innovation and development of more advanced professional profiles. These are collaborations with public and private companies, aimed at reaching specific goals, and which may result in dedicated funding for scholarships, doctorates, summer schools or joint projects.

Planning these agreements is linked to the Department of Economics and Management’s strong ability to create highly-qualified professional and research figures of high interest to the economic world.

Job Placement

The Job Placement and Internships service at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa aims to enable and coordinate processes designed to assist students in the key stages of their academic and professional journey, working in close collaboration with local, national and international organisations.

It coordinates actions aimed at promoting training and career-oriented internships as well as placement activities designed for graduates to enter into the world of work.

Vai all’Ufficio Placement
Public Engagement

The Department of Economics and Management is active in holding seminars, events and conventions to spread knowledge and enhance its transfer in the region, in order to enable the growth of businesses, organisations and individuals involved in them.

The seminars can be found at the link shown below.

Scopri i Seminari DEM

The Department of Economics and Management is actively involved in the organisation of the Internet Festival sessions and meetings, an event which is held annually in Pisa and dedicated to exploring themes linked to the Internet, the digital and the forms of the future in an engaging and innovative manner.

Visita il sito di Internet Festival
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